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Graco Trekko Duo Review

I have owned this pushchair for around 2 and a half months now. I use it with my 2 year old in the front seat and my 6 month old in the rumble seat underneath.

The front seat is massive, and seems extremely comfortable, except for the fact that it is slightly reclined even in the most upright position.

We got around that problem by twisting the strap at the back before fastening it (not recommended), and now the seat sits totally upright.

The rear seat is small. The seat back I would compare to the Phil and Teds Vibe, as it is short and would be uncomfortable for a taller child, due to the metal edge along the seat and the lack of head support once they reach the top of the seat.

I put a sheepskin in the rumble seat for my daughter, and hung a few of her toys off the front seat recline strap so that she can play and she is always happy.

I also bought a hippy chick buggy buddy shade for under £10 and it clips onto the chassis, protecting my baby underneath from the sun.

The basket is so big, you could fit a lot of shopping in there with a baby in the bottom seat, as their legs won’t take up as much room as an older child’s.

It’s easy to remove the rumble seat, and it can be placed into the basket to fold the pushchair. I usually keep the rumble seat attached when I’m only taking out one child, as it doesn’t add any length to the pushchair. Most people don’t realise there is a second seat!

It’s so easy to push, not quite as easy as a pushchair with real tyres, but the fact that you don’t have to deal with punctures makes up for the slightly more bumpy ride.

You can fold it with one hand too.

Bad Points:

  • The mechanism on the rear seat to remove it is flimsy. I haven’t owned my pushchair for very long, but I’ll be sending the rear seat for a repair shortly, as the removal mechanism sticks quite often-not great if you need to fold it to get it in the car.
  • It is HUGE when folded. If you plan to travel by car, do make sure that you can fit this in your boot before buying. Also, If you have limited space to store it at home this may be a little too big for your liking.
  • Rear seat is small, and only recommended up to approximately 2 years of age.
  • There is no hood on the rear seat
  • The chassis tends to squeak quite often, even when well oiled with WD40, although I believe that it is the suspension making all the racket.
  • Should you have a problem with the pushchair be warned that in my experience, Graco’s customer service is absolutely appalling. You will most likely be redirected to the retailer.

Overall, If you have a two babies of 6 months or older (of the same or different ages), this pushchair work as well for you as it does for me.

If you have a newborn, I wouldn’t recommend it as the front seat needs to be reclined for the car seat to be attached, which means the seat would be in the rear child’s face.

It is a lovely pushchair for the price, and honestly, it looks pretty impressive.

It feels sturdy when pushing, and I don’t think it can be beaten with regards to value for money.

Toys R Us currently stock this model if you want to have a look before buying!





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