Britax B-Dual 2011 Photos
- The seats are both upright. The hoods have a zip out mesh panel in the centre. The handle is at a middle height.
Just a few photographs of the Britax B-Dual 2011. There are more photographs with children in on the Britax B-Dual 2011 review on Best Buggy.
Things to note:
The B-Dual has huge hoods with zip out mesh panels.
On the Upper Seat there are 3 recline positions and 5 footrest positions. There is no foot rest though.
The Lower Seat has 3 recline positions using the lever at the back of the seat, but then has two clips underneath which release more fabric making a completely flat ‘bed’ for a newborn baby or to put the soft cot in.
There is an adaptor which pushes the front seat forwards by several inches. It is not necessary to use this, but it gives the lower child more space. The upper seat can reverse but not using the adaptors. Therefore it would be fine for a baby to go at the top, but not an older child who will easily be able to kick their sibling.
The Britax Baby Safe plus II or Baby Safe plus SHR II can fit on either the upper or lower positions. In the upper position the seat parent faces, in the lower position the car seat forward faces. For the infant carrier to fit at the bottom, an adaptor is required. This simply clips into place where the lower seat fits. It is easy to fit & remove. If the infant carrier is used in the upper position then a protective piece of fabric needs to be zippered to the frame to protect the lower child.
The storage basket is enormous and has three zippered access panels.
The brake is a foot one (can be easily applied with your hand though) near the right hand wheel.
The B-Dual folds with both seats attached (or they can be removed).
Many Thanks goes to Britax for their help and support in producing these reviews & reports.
- Britax B-Dual 2012 Fabric
- Britax B-Dual Review and Photos by Sarah
- Britax B-Dual
- Britax B-Dual 2011 Review
- Hauck Duett v's Britax B-Dual
- Five Tandems - Phil&Teds Verve, iCandy Peach Blossom 2, Baby Jogger City Select, Britax B-Dual, Mima Kobi
- B-Dual with Maxi Cosi Car Seat
- Britax B-Dual 2011 v's Phil&Teds Verve
- Britax B-Dual 2011 v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Britax B-Dual 2011 Review by Best Buggy
- Britax B-Dual 2011 Photos
- Britax B-Dual 2011 Video
- Britax B-Dual 2011
- Britax B Dual Review by Leah
- Britax B-Dual 2011 Review from Harrogate Nursery Fair by Jus