TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist with Buddyseat
These are a few photos of the TFK Joggster Twist with Buddyseat attached to the rear.
The TFK Joggster Twist is £449 and the Buddyseat with adaptor cost £65. The adaptor fits onto the rear of the Joggster Twist and the seat slots on to the adaptors. As the photos show, the Buddyseat can be folded in behind the Joggster Twist, both if the second seat is not needed ie after a nursery run drop off, or when folding the pushchair.
As you can see our 3 and a half year old (102cms tall) has plenty of room in the Buddyseat. Please bear in mind that the main seat is really huge as well! The Joggster Twist is light and easy to push, so this set up may be a good option for older twins.
At present the Joggster Twist with Buddyseat is best suited for two toddlers. There is no recline on the Buddyseat and the upper seat will not recline flat with a toddler underneath. However TFK have a new seat unit which cleverly converts into a carrycot called a Multi X. This fits onto the Joggster Twist frame and lies flat. The last two photos show the TFK Multi X. At present the Buddyseat will not fit on with the Multi X seat in place, but TFK are currently working on an adaptor which will push the Multi X seat / carrycot forwards by 6-7cms which will allow the Buddyseat to fit onto the rear. Thus this would then make the TFK Multi X with Buddyseat a good newborn and toddler option. The Multi X adaptors are due in the UK in early June.
- TFK Joggster Twist with Multi X Carrycot
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist with Buddy-Seat Review by Best Buggy
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist with Buddy-Seat
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist v's Baby Jogger City Elite
- TFK Joggster Twist with Buddy-Seat and Children!
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist with Buddyseat
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist Second Seat
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist