Happy World Down’s Syndrome Day 2014
Happy World Down’s Syndrome Day 2014!
Here are some of the faces of Master BB from Best Buggy over the last year. We have been fortunate to be able to try out a variety of pushchairs. There are photos here in the Baby Jogger City Versa and Elite, a Stokke Scoot, our iCandy London Peach, the Easywalker MINI Stroller, the Graco Evo Mini, the Babystyle Oyster 2, the iCandy Apple 2 Pear, the Babyzen YoYo, the Britax Affinity, Baby Elegance Beep Twist and more! Wow! What a lot of pushchairs and a lot of reviews!
Master BB has certainly grown more cheeky over the last year, and will now play up when he sees me approaching with a camera! His favourite games are ‘How quickly can he move his feet off the footrest’ and ‘Let’s fling the hood back as fast as I can’!
Master BBs impending arrival 4 years ago, sent us out to find our first iCandy Peach Blossom 1. At the time they were rarer than hen’s teeth, but I found one. I remember that day like it was yesterday. The excitement of having a beautiful new pushchair which I had dreamed of for months….of taking it home, unboxing it, stroking it lovingly, and putting it together. That excitement still is there each time I unbox a new pushchair.
At the time, we had no idea that the baby I was carrying had Down’s Syndrome. We had our hopes and our dreams for him. We wanted a sibling for Miss BB. Someone for her to share life with, and hopefully for them to support each other as they grew older. I remember when Master BB was born, that the person I wanted to apologise to most was Miss BB. We had failed to give her the sibling we had hoped for her….instead of having someone to help support her, she was more than likely going to end up supporting him instead. Even writing this now, this is still raw. However, 4 years on, there is no doubt that she and Master BB are sharing and loving life together. There’s no doubt that Master BB has enriched all our lives, but especially hers. She has benefited in a myriad of ways, but what amazes me is her care, her compassion, her unselfishness to help her brother, how she keeps him safe, and that she never grumbles when asked to tidy up his mess. She adores her brother and he adores her.
Little Miss BB now has Type 1 diabetes. Her courage every day is incredible. She is so positive and cheerful even before one of the horrible cannula changes she has to have every 3 days, or before each finger prick. She is amazing…….I could sit here and type all day and all night about how amazing Little Miss BB is. She is just 5 years old, but she has been through so much, and yet she is always smiling.
We don’t know what the future will hold for our children, but on this special day, I want to celebrate. To celebrate my two wonderful gorgeous children. For both are special, colourful and unique. Both are beautiful and give the best kisses and cuddles. Both are very different and have their own problems. But they are brother and sister, who adore each other. I love them both very very very much.
Have a very Happy World Down’s Syndrome Day 2014!
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- This time last year.....
- Happy World Down's Syndrome Day 2014
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