The Dooky and Dooky BuggyBar
The brilliant Dooky Buggybar won an Innovation Award at the Kind et Jugend nursery show in 2013.
This brilliant invention locks onto the handles of any pushchair with two handles, and creates a single bar between the two handlebars so that a buggy can be easily pushed and steered one handed. This leaves your other hand free to hold the hand of a second child, or for a bag or drink.
The Dooky Buggybar fits in 2 seconds, no matter what brand your pushchair is, or what shape the frame is.
The Dooky Buggybar is also a solution to splaying handles as it will lock them into position which makes for a more comfortable push for the adult. If the adult prefers to use two handles, then that is still an option.
The Dooky is a lightweight cover which clips easily onto the edge of a pushchair hood or onto the handle of an infant carrier or carrycot. The Dooky creates a dark environment in which a baby can sleep. The Dooky also has an Sun Protection Factor of 40+ which offers excellent sun protection for a child without any danger of the child overheating as they could if a blanket were used. The Dooky does not need adjusting as you walk along like a parasol does. However, the Dooky can be very easily rolled up if needed using some ingenious velcro tabs which hold the Dooky in place. The Dooky can be secured using strings at the bottom, so that the Dooky will not moev in high winds. The Dooky comes in a range of colours to match any pushchair or pram. The Dooky is a fab product for any pushchair.
- Mee-Go at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2015
- Dooky Buggy Bar - Turns a 2 Handled Pushchair into a 1 Handed Push!
- Ebay Sit Upright Straps for the Baby Jogger Pushchairs
- The Dooky and Dooky BuggyBar