Frozen, Fluff and Picnics!
It is a while since I have written anything, however that is because lots has been going on!
Master BB is in his final term at nursery before he starts Big School in September. We have been writing his Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) ready for his transition. Master BB has been staying at school for some lunchtimes and afternoons in preparation for the full days. However, he has now developed a love of ketchup with everything including sandwiches!!
We also took the decision at 4 years 9 months that we would finally release Master BB from his cot! I know that may seem really late, but with a child who has no comprehension of danger, the best option was to keep him safe. Master BB has always loved his cot, and has never tried to climb out, although our concern was that he moves all night long, and we often found him sat upright asleep in his cot. However, the time felt right to finally move him. Thankfully, his strong routine has meant he has transferred fine into his bed. He snuggled in with ‘baby’ and fell fast asleep.
Little Miss BB is growing up. Her speech and powers of negotiation and manipulation are improving. She keeps sending us beautifully produced invitations to ‘meetings’ or ‘shows’ which usually are _supposed_ to include TV or chocolate as well as us playing games or watching her dance! They are usually timed to last for 2 hours. However, our powers of negotiation are better than hers, so she gets her few minutes of undivided attention, whilst the chocolate remains in the sweetie jar, and the TV stays off!
Out of the blue, Little Miss BB has also turned into a bookworm and can often be found with her nose in a book on the sofa. I love seeing her curled up on the sofa and enjoying to read. She loves reading to her brother too, and he is always happy to have a story or few!
We had a euphoric moment at Little Miss BB’s diabetes clinic last time where her HbA1c (a measure of average blood glucose over the previous 3 months) was worked out as being just 48 which is the lowest the clinic chart goes for a diabetic. Keeping the Hb1Ac levels low gives a diabetic the best possible chance of good health long term. This was thanks to the Abbott Freestyle Libre which has given us control at last of Little Miss BB’s diabetes. The Libre has been absolutely life changing for Little Miss BB, and also for us managing her. It was the first time I had seen her diabetic team silent, with nothing to say other than “Wow!”
Yesterday, we went to see Disney on Ice in Leeds yesterday. We had never been before and I not told anyone that I had booked tickets – not even Mr BB. I had been looking forward to it.
However, the First Direct Arena layout was really odd, because the front was practically facing a wall, and the seats were only on one and a half sides of the rink. I don’t think I really got my head around the strange angle all the way through. The sound was too quiet, and between the child sat behind playing her musical light up toy which kept hitting Master BB; the parents who talked constantly beside us; and the children in front who demanded an entire picnic and spent the time passing food along to each other, I was too distracted to enjoy Part 1. I really was disappointed.
Part 2 was better. The angle of the stage still didn’t work for me, but someone had cranked the sound up; and the picnicking children had eaten themselves into a stupor. So I settled down and did enjoy the second half more. The highlight was of course seeing Little Miss BB singing along to the Frozen songs, but also watching Master BB copying all the hand movements and ‘dancing’ along in his seat.
It was all about the children, and they had a great time. But as we reached the finale, I vowed that we would never go back to the same venue because it really spoilt the whole experience (along with the parents who need to teach their children some respect for others).
Meanwhile the sun has been out and we have been outside enjoying the sunshine. Mr BB has mowed the lawn for the first time this year. Little Miss BB has finally got her Christmas bike outside and has been happily riding up and down the garden. We have also been to the park and had the opportunity to try out our fantastic new lunchbox, called a Yumbox.
The Yumbox is a sleek looking leakproof lunchbox which is cheerful and interesting. There are two types – the Classic Yumbox with six small compartments, or the Yumbox Panino which has one large compartment for a sandwich, and then three smaller compartments. I love how neat it is. The latch is secure, but easy for Little Miss BB to open. Perfect for school lunches.
I would have loved the Classic Yumbox when Little Miss BB was first diagnosed with diabetes, because we often needed carb free enticing looking snacks for her, and the Yumbox would have been perfect to keep her supplied with enticing nibbles. However, our children both like a sandwich for lunch, so we got the Yumbox Panino. I love that I can entice the children with healthy snacks to go alongside their sandwich. There is nothing like having a little compartments to explore and empty! Little Miss BB has had fun choosing things for her compartments. Cherries, grapes, carrot sticks, tomatoes, raisins and even the odd treat have made their way into the Yumbox.
Master BB however likes his fromage frais, and we have been confidently able to fill a compartment up with fromage frais for him without fear of the sealproof lid leaking. Little Miss BB also has Coeliac Disease which often means we need to take her food with us. The Yumbox has been discreet enough to take with us to parties etc. so that we can give Little Miss BB her own food without her looking different to her friends. They all want a Yumbox of their own now!
At the end of the day, the tray comes out of the Yumbox for washing up or dishwashing, which ensures that everything is beautifully hygienically clean ready for next time. Best of all the Yumbox is the perfect size for me to fit into my handbag, and I would have no problems using it as my lunchbox every day! It has certainly made picnic’s more healthy, as well as fun!
Finally, here is your dose of cute fluffiness. Our two kitties are best of friends, and can often be found snuggled up together on my desk whilst I work. Awww!
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