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Phil & Teds Promenade Photos

These photos of the Phil&Teds Promenade were taken at the recent Promenade launch party. The Phil and Teds Promenade will be sold exclusively by a number of retailers including Kiddicare, John Lewis, and by independent shops such as Peppermint and Oxford Pram Centre.

I think you can get a really good feel for the various modes that the Promenade goes in from these photos: from single into double mode. It is good to see how the two ‘lie flat’ seats align when in twin ‘carrycot’ position.

It is also interesting how in one photo, the footrest has been unclipped to give a different position for the feet. Currently one car seat can be fitted onto the Promenade.

The seat units look flat when removed from the chassis which will make storage easier. However this does mean that a baby can not be carried / put down off the chassis as you can with a normal carrycot.

The handle apparently extends to a very high height which will be great for taller parents, but hopefully it means that you will not knock your shins on the lower seat when in ‘lie flat’ mode.

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