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Mutsy 4Rider Light Review

We bought this second hand when our first son was born and it has been fantastic for most uses. It is a large, robust and comfortable pushchair that is easy to push despite it’s size. It is not so easy to put up and down so we end up just keeping it up most of the time and only collapse it when totally necessary for travel. This is of course because we have quite a roomy entrance way in our house. If you lived somewhere that didn’t have a porch/hall to park it in then I imagine it would be a bit of a pain! I keep a small umbrella stroller in the car for journeys but the mutsy is great for walking around the neighbourhood.

My son is now 19 months and already the seat unit is feeling a bit too small for him as his head bangs up against the hood – but the seat is very nice and wide and upright so is great without the hood.

Pros: ROBUST! great over muddy/rough terrain/ Good steering/ good height adjustable handles/ comfortable seat with good recline/ easy to push

Cons: very large to lug about especially if you need to collapse it often. Great for walking about but not so easy in the car. Not great for the taller toddlers, seat unit a bit too small.

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