Silver Cross Halo Review
The Silver Cross Halo is a great small pushchair for the car, or travelling or short outings. It is great quality with a stylish futuristic looking chassis and quality fabrics. We like the addition of a thick reversible liner and a footmuff (although we struggled to keep the footmuff on!).
The Silver Cross Halo is suitable from birth with a lie flat seat and several harness positions. The recline is done by a toggle and so will stop at whatever point you wish. The hood is lined with UV protective material and there is a pull out sun visor on the edge of the hood.
The Silver Cross Halo harness has a good buckle. However the straps were very annoying as the shoulder straps constantly slid off the side pieces and took us twice as long (if not more) to do the straps up than conventional harnesses where the shoulder and side straps are joined. We were glad that we did not have wriggly children!!
We liked the well hidden calf rest support that simply slides out from underneath the seat for the calf rest to lie on top. Very useful for a small baby.
The Halo wheels were good although not the most responsive. But they felt sturdy.
We were not a fan of the hard, non adjustable handlebar. It was great for day trips or nipping from the car into shops etc. but we would not wish to use the Halo every day as a main pushchair.
The Halo’s “basket” is a mesh of elastic cords which quite frankly were fairly useless! Yes, they were great to stuff a coat under, but things like beakers, and toys simply fell out, and we were unable to get bigger things like a changing bag underneath. However the Halo was sturdy enough to stand having bags on the back of it without toppling over when the child was removed.
The fold was very easy and there was a handy closure strap on the side. Unfolding was very easy too. The fold was very neat and relatively small. However the Halo would not freestand once folded and kept falling over!
We found that the seat was comfortable for both our 10 month old baby and his 2.8 year old sister. As the photos show, the eldest had plenty of room in the seat and underneath the hood.
All round this is a stylish little pushchair packed with features which work well. It was neat when folded. But above all the level of child comfort was high – probably the best we have seen on a lightweight pushchair. We loved the extra matching accessories although the footmuff could have worked better.
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