Stokke Xplory Review by Best Buggy
The Stokke Xplory is an extremely unusual looking pushchair. We love how Stokke have broken the boundaries of ‘classic’ pushchair design and produced something completely different. However the Stokke Xplory is a marmite pushchair – on looks alone, you will either love it, or hate it. I am the first to admit that I have never “got” the Stokke Xplory. The unusual design of the Xplory seems too way out to sit comfortably in our ‘normal’ life, and (contraversially) we have been very put off across time, by the pompous attitude of some Xplory owners who appear to think that the Xplory is superior to any other pushchair….when it absolutely is not! But hopefully the fact I am not a gushing fan, will maybe mean I can offer some objective perspective to this pushchair!
I will to admit that I come to appreciate the way that the Stokke Xplory has been beautifully designed and engineered, and how it performs in some circumstances. You can certainly see the quality and finish which makes the Xplory a high end product. Even small details have been designed with care and attention; like the press studs or where to fasten on a blanket. On the other hand, there are some elements which are simply hard work, and there are too many buttons and moving parts for my liking!
First Impressions:
The Stokke Xplory is a large pushchair. It is tall. It is imposing. The large shell like seat, sits on a central diagonal stem which can be lifted up from a low height, to a high level. In contrast the wheels seem rather small to stabilise the seat, when it sits so far back and so high up; however the Xplory is very stable. At the front of the pushchair is a plastic platform, onto which sits a good sized storage bag. The seat appears to be huge and tall. The handlebar is an unusual D shape, and is bare uncovered plastic – in fact there is a lot of plastic in the Xplory design, and that alone may not be to everyone’s taste. There is a lot of adjustability on the Xplory which means that it both adapts to your child well, but also to the adult pushing the stroller. There is no doubt that anyone, of any height, could make the Xplory work for them. The arched back axle means that a tall parent should not kick the Xplory as they walk.
Unfold / Fold:
Our other main first impression of the Xplory was the long folded chassis. The chassis alone only just fitted lengthways into our car, even with the chassis on the most compact settings. The large seat can be left on forward facing (and even reverse facing, but it looks daft!) for folding, but the package is then very long, and in reality its easier and neater to remove the seat. However the seat unit is rigid and bulky to store. The rear wheels can be removed, but they dont really make much difference. The Xplory is not a pushchair for a small car boot! The Xplory chassis will prop nicely against a wall at home though!
Unfolding the Stokke Xplory is fairly simple. All “action” parts on the Xplory are marked as white. In the centre of the stem are two catches which are situated close together. These both need to be pushed up to release the mechanism. The wheels then slide open and click into position. The seat unit can then simply be dropped on top of the two “prongs” if forward facing. If the seat is going rear facing, then the footrest needs removing before the seat can be fitted. The footrest then needs reattaching on the other side of the central stem. On the one hand the way the seat wraps around the stem is a very interesting design, but on the other, it becomes a pain to have to remove the footrest each time you want to fold or unfold the Xplory. Its just another step in what all round is a pretty fiddly pushchair! The footrest is removed by squeezing and pulling the large white button underneath. Be careful though, or the footrest simply drops out onto the floor!!
Folding the Xplory involves first removing the seat. Then the two catches in the centre of the stem will to release the mechanism (as above). The pushchair ‘breaks’ at the base of the stem. You need to then bend down to lift up a large rectangular white catch which then released the rest of the fold so that the wheels slide smoothly together. The pushchair chassis can simply be folded. However it is likely that you will also probably need to lower the seat height and handlebar to put the chassis into your car (I needed to), and this is when it all becomes faffy for me, especially when its cold and wet.
Once folded the Xplory chassis will prop nicely against a wall. However we struggled to find any sensible place to store the seat unit.
Once open, the seat height can then be adjusted. We tried to count the number of seat height settings but we got to 22 notches before losing count! This is a HUGE range of adjustability. To alter the seat height is a tad awkward. There is a stiff clip (brake) underneath the seat arms which needs pulling forwards to release the sliding movement. A sales assistant and I tried to do one on a shop floor this week, and we both failed to undo the clip. The seat then moves freely up and down the stem with no child in the seat. However once a child is in the seat, pulling them up the stem is nearly impossible, as you would have to hold the child up in the seat, in the air with one hand, whilst you push the clip back on. The clip to push back in to lock the seat is very stiff to do. I would not alter the seat height with a child in the seat TBH so ideally the height needs to be set before the child is put into the seat. There are two rings below the seat which are useful to tug the seat upwards with. These rings can also be used to clip on a changing bag.
Many people buy the Xplory for the height. I know every Xplory fan will not agree with me, but sitting on the fence, I have to say, I don’t quite get why parents feel their child needs to be high up – especially a baby who will sleep through much of any outing. I have pondered whether there is any real gain for the child. I rarely come across any sniffing dogs, swinging bags or other pavement dangers – even with my children in a low level pushchair. I am not sure that a matter of a few inches makes any difference in relation to exhaust fume intake, or anything else. I have seen the Xplory advertised as being a good height to use as a highchair, but the seat needs lowering a fair way to be at the same height as most dining tables, and as I said above, this is not easy to do with a child in the seat. Therefore, ideally the child would need removing first, at which point you may as well pop your child into a highchair, and let them throw food all over that instead of over the fabric of an expensive pushchair! Having said that, at least the fabrics are washable which is a bonus! It was really easy to strip the fabric off, for example to adjust the harness straps, or put on the Winter Kit
I know Stokke talk a lot about how their pushchairs help you connect with your child. I see eye contact as more important with an older child, than a newborn baby (who has poor eye sight and is likely to sleep through any outing), and unless you are out and about all day, every day, then you are likely to interact more with your child at home all day long anyway! We measured approx 11.5cms seat height difference between the Stokke Xplory and the Uppababy Vista and 17cms seat height difference between the iCandy Peach just as examples. These measurements are very small in reality – less than my handspan. There are other pushchairs with higher (and lower) seats which are far easier to use than the Xplory. I am writing this because time and time again I have seen parents on forums who maybe can’t afford an Xplory, or do not have the car boot space or house space for one, trying really hard to find the pushchair with the next highest seat. I really, really dont think a few cms is worth tying yourself in knots for.
However, I think the very upright, unfussy, seating position of the Xplory is possibly a better selling point for us than the seat height. Our children enjoyed being sat upright on the edge of the seat, and they had a good view out. The extra few centimetres of height, was likely to have been a bonus, but equally the children enjoy outings in lower height pushchairs too. I think possibly the clear view past the seat and minimalistic chassis and handlebar (when parent facing), was a bigger bonus. I liked that the hood could be pushed well back out of the way when not required.
One of my issues was that the seat size itself and the high hood contribute to the overall height of the Xplory. I think to be honest, this is what contributes to making the Xplory tall, rather than the height of the seat base. I did feel a bit conspicious pushing the Xplory – more so than the Crusi which uses the same seat unit. The Crusi just looks more ‘normal’, but then people who buy a Stokke Xplory, probably buy one to be different, quirky and to stand out from the crowd?! I found that I preferred the seat on a lower setting to ‘normalise’ the height in smaller spaces e.g. the doctors surgery. I did have one lady stop me in the street, and say “what an unusual pushchair”. I know many times, I have sat in my local shopping centre – which seems to be Stokke Xplory city – and watched Xplory after Xplory be pushed past me. You can not help lbeing drawn to look fascinated at the Xplory as it swans by. It is definitely a head turner.
Storage Space
This leads me nicely into an observation from my time spent Stokke Xplory user watching! One of the issues with the Xplory is the limited storage space. I have lost count of how many Stokke Xplory carrycot aprons I have seen with a handbag perched on the top!! It is something that has amused me. However, the Xplory has no shopping basket as such. It comes with one reasonably sized storage bag which sits on the platform at the front of the pushchair. This bag easily took my good sized handbag and a Pacapod pod with room to spare. However, when I stopped off to buy a drink, I realised why people perch their handbags on top of the carrycot apron! You have to bend down, undo the zip (not easy on a flexible fabric bag which can slide on a plastic platform), dig out your handbag, then your purse, and then do the zip up again – a 2 handed job because of the sliding. I did get to the point during our test period where I simply could not be bothered to pay for anything that I really did not need, because the bending down and zip was just hard work, and with all the other bending, leaning, turning movements I had to make to use the Xplory, it was hurting my back. I longed for an open basket that I could simply throw my bags, shopping bags etc into. On the other hand, it was good to have my handbag / purse hidden away inside the bag; but equally the bag is only held on by a small metal clip which anyone could bend down and release.
The bag itself has a pocket at the front which was useful for having bits and pieces to hand. Inside the bag is a small zipped pocket and a large fixed mesh interior which closes with a toggle. I assume this is to keep smaller items from falling out when the bag is opened which is a good idea (but another step to do!). There is a small carrying handle for the bag. The bag is neat looking and I think finishes off the look of the Xplory well.
There is also an optional changing bag for the Xplory. I see the bag on the platform as being more of a “basket” space for shopping or coats. The changing bag clips on underneath the seat, so to be honest, with storage space at a premium, I would take advantage of leaving the shopping bag free and buy a separate changing bag to clip on (I suspect a good number of changing bags would clip on with the addition of clips).
Child Comfort, Seat Recline and Harness:
The Xplory seat itself is very well padded. It seems very supportive. I loved the very wide crotch strap which comes high up on the tummy of the child. It seemed supportive and secure, and I had confidence in it. The shoulder straps have harness pads on them. I did find the harness a little fiddly to do. I kept missing the right slots for the pins and having to take them out and start again! However you do get good at this though. The buckle was chunky and strong. I like that you can release (or put in) one side of the buckle at once. Handy for when you need to remove a coat, or to sit a child in and do the harness up one handed. My only negative is that the seat is very upright, and because the harness wasn’t immediately logical to do up, I had to be extra cautious that my son didn’t fall forwards. Most pushchair seats have a slight recline which buys you a second or so to notice that your child is beginning to lean forwards. I tended to recline the seat one notch to strap my son in, and then sat the seat upright again. Just to make sure he was safe in case he wriggled. But once the child was sat in the seat, the upright seating position was really great. Both our children looked good in the seat unit. We also tried some younger children in the seats and all looked comfortable. Our 4 year old equally fitted very comfortably in the seat with room to grow. She said she liked sitting in the seat. I think the Xplory seat is one of our favourites for an older toddler, however not for an older baby…
My issue for an older baby or napping toddler, is that although the Xplory has a footrest, there is no calf or even good ankle support for a sleeping child. The footrest has only 3 settings, so can not be tailored specifically for any child. Thus a sleeping child, may have a good level of support, or equally their feet may slip between the footrest and dangle. This for us, would be a good enough reason not to buy the Xplory. On top of this, our 2 year old does something in the Xplory, and also the Scoot, which he does in no other pushchair – he bangs the footrest non stop with his heels!! It is really annoying as it makes a terrific noise, which is very embarrassing especially in quiet places like doctors waiting rooms!
The Xplory seat has a recline button on either side, underneath the seat unit. Only one button needs to be pressed to release the recline, so this suits both left and right handed parents, and makes no difference when the seat is facing in the opposite direction. However it does take a bit of feeling around under the seat to find the button! The seat then rotates forwards or backwards. The Xplory seat has 3 recline positions when parent facing – Sleep (lie flat), Rest (slight recline) and Active (upright). However the Xplory seat can only be placed in the Active and Rest positions when forward facing. The ‘stem’ obstructs a full recline. I do not find the recline buttons particularly obvious or accessible being tucked away under the seat but they are easy to press in. Using the bumper bar as a handle does make rotating the seat easier to do.
I have often seen the height being touted as a good reason for someone with poor back health to buy. I have to say, I have a bad back and the Xplory has been one of the worst pushchairs I have used because its involved so much bending down to press buttons, move things, access the basket, pulling etc. Plus the height means I have higher to lift my son in and out of the seat. Personally I find a lower level pushchair suits me better. However that is not to say that it will not be an advantage for someone else’s back issues – especially if an upright walking stance would be a positive for you - but just be aware and try an Xplory out for yourself if you are buying an Xplory for this reason. A pushchair like a Mima Xari or an Uppababy Vista would give you good height with less overall bending and faffing!
Hood, Bumper Bar and Accessories:
The Xplory hood is a generous size, and is tall. Our 4 year old fits easily under the hood. We were surprised to find that the Scoot seat back is actually taller than the Xplory, but our 4 year old looks better in the Xplory seat. This we believe is down to the taller hood height.
One section of the hood unzips to reveal a mesh panel. I like that there are poppers provided to keep this panel open or neatly closed. There is a sun visor which can be zipped on as required, or it can be hidden inside the rim of the hood. We removed our visor over winter to keep it clean.
Stokke also make “Winter kits” which include thicker fabrics for the seat unit, a sheepskin edged handmuff and a sheepskin fur trim which zips on instead of the visor. We loved having the fur on during winter. However the winter kit fabrics weren’t as thick and as quilted as the photos seem to imply. There are also “Summer kits” for the summer consisting of a summer hood with mesh panels, sunsail for shade, a parasol and an absorbant seat cover.
The Xplory does come with a bumper bar although doesnt appear in many of our photos. It plugs in simply on both sides. The bumper bar is covered with fabric which zips off for washing. The bumper bar is quite flexible plastic, however there is not enough give for there to be room for a child to get in and out i.e. like a swing away bumper bar.
There is also an additional hole in the seat fabric, above the bumper bar. This is for a parasol. It is a shame that this does not have a blanking plate for when it is not in use. However it is less noticeable on the Xplory than on the Scoot.
The Stokke Xplory comes with a mosquito net and raincover as standard which is good.
We love how a Toddler Board can be added on the latest Xplory models.
Handlebar, Handling, Brake and Wheels:
The handlebar on the Xplory is a D shape. It is plastic with no cover on it. At first this felt a bit strange in a world where pushchair handles are usually foam or rubber covered! But I liked how the plastic warms up under your hands. The only downside is that the paint does damage and even our barely used Xplory acquired a few chips during testing. The best thing about the handle is that it is super duper adjustable!!! The handle can be extended upwards, or lowered down to suit your height. The handle can also then be rotated to find a comfortable position to hold. We loved that even though the handle bar was highly adjustable, the handlebar felt solid when pushing. Fab!
The Stokke Xplory was surprisingly good to push. I say surprisingly, because there is no suspension. However there is the smallest movement in the handlebar which seems to absorb small bumps in the road. The wheels are also rubberised, and they help to give a smooth ride, although the Xplory is really an urban pushchair. However, I was encouraged to try the Xplory out in the snow after hearing about how in Norway, where Stokke is based, that they have snow for much of the year . I have to say I, and the team all thought I was a bit crazy, but we ate our words as the Xplory glided straight through snow! In fact it fared much better than some of our “off road” pushchairs!!! The wheels seemed to allow the snow to ‘fill’ them in to make them solid, and then the Xplory pushed right through. The high axle meant there was no snow plough effect! Should the going really get tough, then the Xplory can be kicked into 2 wheel mode, and can be pulled backwards through anything!! I have seen a set of amazing photos of the Stokke Xplory being pulled up some enormous sand dunes and after my experiences, I can see that being perfectly possible. I did enjoy pushing the Xplory.
The Stokke Xplory brake is coloured bright red! It is situated on the right hand side at the rear of the pushchair. It is simple to apply and to remove, and feels decisive when applied.
Newborn Options:
For a newborn baby, Stokke supply a newborn wedge which flattens out the “bucket” of the seat unit and makes the Xplory seat suitable from birth. This has both a padded flat insert with an extra foam wedge piece which is removed as your baby gets older to give an optimum depth for any sized child. The wedge can also give a slight incline from flat for a baby with reflux or a heavy cold. The inclusion of a wedge is refreshing to find on a ‘high end’ pushchair, as it means there is no need for an additional outlay for the carrycot. So although the Stokke Xplory is expensive, with the newborn wedge, the Xplory starts to seem better value for money. The wedge fits easily and seems to work well.
We have the carrycot, and it is huge! It is probably the longest carrycot we have seen. The foot area is splits to go around the chassis stem, which does feel a little odd. However we do not see this as any detriment to use – there is plenty of room for little feet. The mattress is well padded and covered, however the sheets for the strangely shaped carrycot mattress are expensive. The carrycot does not come with a hood, and you are required to use the hood from the pushchair seat. It took us ages to work out how to swap the hoods, but thanks to some very good You Tube videos we worked out that there are two push in buttons hidden under the fabric which release the hood bracket. The hood gets unzipped at the rear too, and some poppers undone. I have to say I loved the carrycot, especially the hard sides and thick mattress. However I do just think the carrycot looks odd stuck out over the diagonal Xplory chassis. I think it feels odd being so high too. But that is probably because I am used to and prefer low level carrycots. I did feel that the Xplory felt a little more precarious in carrycot mode, but we were fine using it. There is an apron for the carrycot. Ours didn’t quite sit right at the foot end, but other wise, it finished the carrycot off nicely.
Travel System:
The Stokke Xplory can be a travel system with the addition of a suitable infant car seat and the adaptors. The Stokke Xplory can take a Maxi Cosi Cabriofix, Pebble, a Mamas and Papas Primo Viaggio or a Stokke iZi Sleep by BeSafe.
Finally it is worth mentioning that Stokke give a 3 year warranty on their pushchairs which at this present point in time, is also transferable.
In Conclusion:
The Stokke Xplory is an innovatively designed, good quality product. If you love how the Xplory looks then you will probably put up with its quirks and niggles for something head turning and unusual. The Xplory really is not the most easy pushchair to use, to handle, to lift etc. However it is beautiful to push about town, handled snow better than a lot of our off roaders, and our children were happy to be pushed around in the Xplory. I urge you, to go and see the Stokke Xplory before buying, but also look at several other pushchairs too, so that you have something to compare the Xplory to. I said at the start that the Xplory is a marmite pushchair, and I expect the responses to this review to reflect this too!
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- Baby Jogger City Mini Zip
- UPPAbaby Vista 2015 with Rumble Seat
- Babystyle Oyster Switch
- The Egg Stroller - First Impressions Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Mini Zip - 6 Month Review by Best Buggy
- Best Buggy's Car Seat Safety Tips and Advice
- Babystyle Oyster Max 2
- Why Babies Should Travel Laid Flat In A Car Seat Infant Carrier.
- Bugaboo Cameleon Exclusive Bas Kosters Designs for 2015
- Mima - Mix and Match!
- The Egg Stroller is Hatching!
- Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle Luxury Collection 2015
- Easywalker Mosey Review by Best Buggy
- Stokke Scoot 2015 Spring Colours
- Cosatto Giggle 2 Review by Best Buggy
- Mamas & Papas Armadillo Flip
- Stokke Scoot 2014 Review by Best Buggy
- Joolz Day Review by TLB
- iCandy Raspberry Review by Best Buggy
- Creating Magical Memories - Visiting Santa Claus in Lapland!
- Mamas & Papas Armadillo Flip Review by Best Buggy
- Easywalker Mosey
- iCandy Raspberry v's Bugaboo Bee3 v's Easywalker Mosey v's Stokke Scoot 2014
- Casual Play Kudu 4 Review by Best Buggy
- Casual Play Kudu 4
- Bugaboo Buffalo Escape 2015
- Exclusive UK Review of the Combi Urban Walker by Best Buggy
- Combi Urban Walker
- Easywalker MINI Buggy Review by Best Buggy
- Bugaboo Cameleon, Bugaboo Donkey and Bugaboo Buffalo 2015
- Babystyle Oyster Lite Review by Best Buggy
- Babystyle Oyster Lite
- Mamas & Papas Armadillo Flip
- Easywalker MINI Buggy
- Easywalker Mosey v's Mamas & Papas Armadillo City
- Bébécar Spot Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger Vue
- Bébécar Spot
- Baby Jogger Vue Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Elegance Sketch
- Easywalker Mosey - Opening the Box
- Joolz Day Quadro
- Baby Elegance Sketch Review by Best Buggy
- The NEW 2015 UPPAbaby Vista with Rumble Seat
- Win a Beautiful Fur 'Sapphire Stars' Buggysnuggle
- Bugaboo Runner - A Jogger Extension for your Bugaboo!
- Bugaboo Bee³ Photoset
- Bugaboo Bee³ Review by Best Buggy
- Belt Up Baby
- Mamas & Papas Armadillo City Review by Best Buggy
- Joie Litetrax
- Mamas & Papas Armadillo v's Mamas & Papas Armadillo City
- Baby Jogger City Mini Zip v's Baby Jogger City Mini 3
- Stokke Xplory True Black Limited Edition & Black with White Stripes Style Kit
- Baby Jogger City Mini Zip - First Impressions Review by Best Buggy!
- Recaro Easylife
- Recaro Easylife Review by Best Buggy
- The Bugaboo Bee3 Hits the Shops!
- Mamas & Papas Armadillo City
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT v's Joie Litetrax v's Mamas & Papas Armadillo City v's Recaro Easylife v's Babyzen YoYo
- B.O.B. Revolution PRO Review by Best Buggy
- Doona Photoset
- The New 2014 Updated Stokke Scoot
- Joie Litetrax Review by Best Buggy
- Bugaboo Cameleon³ Shiny Chevron Special Edition
- Simple Parenting Doona Car Seat Stroller Review by Best Buggy
- Tiny Love Sunny Stroll Review by Sarah
- Tiny Love Take Along Mobile Review by Lisa
- Mamas & Papas Armadillo City
- Dooky Buggy Bar - Turns a 2 Handled Pushchair into a 1 Handed Push!
- Babystyle IMP Review by Best Buggy
- Babystyle IMP
- Phil & Ted's Navigator with Autostop Brake
- Betty Bramble Buggy Liners
- Babyzen YoYo - 20 month Review!
- Skip Hop Saddle Bags
- J.L. Childress Side Sling Cargo Net
- J.L. Childress Maxi Cool 4 Bottle Cooler
- J.L. Childress Cool 'n Cargo Stroller Cooler
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT in Legoland, Windsor
- Ebay Sit Upright Straps for the Baby Jogger Pushchairs
- ickle bubba Stomp V2 Review by Best Buggy
- ickle bubba Stomp V2
- Joolz Day Studio Review by Best Buggy
- Best Buggy Pushchair Survey 2014
- Babystyle Oyster2 with Ride on Board Review by Kerry
- Babystyle Oyster2 with Ride On Board
- Baby Jogger City Lite
- Baby Jogger City Lite - First Impressions
- Nuna IVVI Photos
- ickle bubba Stomp v2 at the Harrogate Nursery Fair
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear, Peach Jogger and the iCandy Bag Collection
- Babystyle Oyster2 at the Harrogate Nursery Fair
- Joolz Geo at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2014
- Joolz Day Sense at the Harrogate Nursery Fair
- Babyzen Zen and Babyzen YoYo at the Harrogate Nursery Fair
- B.O.B. Revolution PRO, Revolution C.E. and S.E. Duallie
- Hauck London & Hauck Lacrosse at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2014
- Little Nipper by Out 'n' About at the Harrogate Nursery Fair
- iCandy Peach Blossom 3 at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2014
- The Doona Car Seat Stroller
- Joolz Day Tailor
- The Harrogate Nursery Fair 2014
- Babystyle Imp
- Babystyle Oyster Jule
- Babystyle Oyster Lite at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2014
- The Doona - the Next Generation Car Seat!
- Babystyle Oyster Lite
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT with 3 and 5 year old
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2012 & 2014 Differences
- Mountain Buggy Nano Review by Best Buggy
- Mountain Buggy Nano
- iCandy Peach London Limited Edition
- Mamas & Papas Armadillo Review by Best Buggy
- Babystyle Oyster2 Review by Best Buggy
- Babyzen YoYo 2014 - 0+ and 6+ Month Modes with Children
- Babystyle Oyster2
- iCandy Peach 3 and Peach Blossom 2 at Annette's Pram Shop, Walsall
- Easywalker MINI Stroller Review by Best Buggy
- Joie Chrome Review by Jessica
- iCandy Peach 3 and Peach Blossom 3 Photos
- Bugaboo Tailored Fabrics and Accessories for 2014
- iCandy Peach 3 and Peach Blossom 3 Preview at Lullaby's Baby Den
- 7 AM Enfant Foot Muffs & Blankets
- Bugaboo Cameleon Fold
- Bugaboo Cameleon on the Beach
- Joolz Day Photos
- Broken Quinny Yezz
- The Easywalker MINI stroller visits Eureka! The National Children's Museum
- Graco Evo Mini Review by LB
- Easywalker June Review by Roberta
- Babyzen YoYo 0+
- Pacapod Changing Bags
- Graco Evo Mini
- Graco Evo Mini Review by Best Buggy
- Bumprider
- Bugaboo Buffalo Review by Best Buggy
- Easywalker MINI Stroller
- Easywalker MINI Stroller
- Bugaboo Buffalo v's Baby Jogger City Versa GT v's Easywalker MINI Stroller with Children
- Casual Play Kudu 3
- Easywalker MINI Stroller - First Impressions
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear - Tandem Mode
- Baby Elegance Neyo Review by Best Buggy
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear - Single Mode
- Silver Cross Wayfarer
- Silver Cross Wayfarer Review by Best Buggy
- Babystyle Oyster Gem - Final Production Model
- Red Kite Push Me Zumi Review by Rachael
- Joolz Day Studio Tailor
- Joie Chrome
- Bumbleride Indie 4
- 4moms Origami Mini Video
- JL Childress Sip 'N Safe Console Tray
- Buggy Butler Parent Console
- okiedog Changing Bags
- Snunkie Footmuffs
- 7A.M. Enfant
- Clair de Lune Footmuffs, Pushchair Snuggs & Liners
- Baby Elegance Neyo
- Baby Elegance Neyo with Child
- Baby Elegance Beep Twist
- Video Introducing The Babyzen YoYo 0+
- Baby Elegance Beep Twist Review by Best Buggy
- Stokke Scoot Review by Best Buggy
- Stokke Scoot v's Baby Jogger City Versa GT
- Micralite Twofold Review by Best Buggy
- Best Buggy & The Buffalo Meets Bugaboo in Leeds
- Baby Jogger City Lite
- Quinny Buzz Xtra, Moodd & Zapp Xtra 2 at Kind & Jugend 2013
- Joolz GEO Tandem Pushchair Unveiled at Kind & Jugend
- Babyzen YoYo Parent Facing
- iCandy Peach Blossom 3 - First Parent Facing Photos!
- Casual Play Livi - Travel System & Cot
- Bugaboo Andy Warhol - 'so many stars', 'Happy Bugs' and Black Buffalo
- Black Bugaboo Buffalo
- iCandy Raspberry - First Impressions Review by Best Buggy
- iCandy World 80th Anniversary Celebration Party & 2014 New Collection Videos
- iCandy 80th Anniversary Celebration Party Video
- iCandy 80th Anniversary Celebration Party & 2014 New Collection
- The Britax B-Motion at the Seaside
- New iCandy Website - New Colours?
- Kiddü Omari Review by TLB
- Micralite Twofold
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT
- Casual Play Livi with Children
- Casual Play Livi
- Casual Play Livi v's Babyzen YoYo
- Britax B-Motion 4 Review by Best Buggy
- The iCandy Apple 2 Pear visits Eureka!
- Baby Jogger City Versa Review by Paula
- Jané Trider Review by Emma
- Maclaren Quest v's Maclaren Techno XT
- Easywalker June
- Baby Elegance Neyo
- Bugaboo Pendleton Collection - 2013 Special Edition
- Babystyle Oyster Gem Review by Best Buggy
- Babystyle Oyster Gem Review by Tricia
- Maclaren Techno XLR Review by Milena
- Micralite Twofold Photos
- Babystyle Oyster Gem with 2 Year Old
- Babystyle Oyster Gem
- MyChild Floe
- TFK (Trends for Kids) X4
- Casual Play Kudu 4
- Bugaboo Donkey v's Bugaboo Buffalo v's Bugaboo Cameleon v's Bugaboo Bee
- Bugaboo Buffalo v's Bugaboo Cameleon
- Bugaboo Buffalo - Best Buggy First Impressions Review
- Britax Affinity Review by Best Buggy
- Kiddü Omari Review by Best Buggy
- Kiddü Omari
- Britax B-Motion with 4 Year Old
- Britax B-Motion
- Britax Affinity
- Britax Affinity with Children
- Babystyle Oyster Gem
- B.O.B. Revolution CE at the Farm
- B.O.B. Revolution CE Review by Best Buggy
- B.O.B. Revolution CE
- Casual Play S4
- Mee-Go Pramette
- Maxi Cosi Streety Plus
- TFK Joggster Twist with Multi X Carrycot
- Babystyle Oyster Max v's iCandy Apple 2 Pear
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2 v's iCandy Apple 2 Pear
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2 v's iCandy Apple 2 Pear v's Babystyle Oyster Max v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT v's Baby Jogger City Versa GT v's Baby Jogger City Select
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Babystyle Oyster Max v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Versa GT, Affinity, Apple 2 Pear, Peach 2, Graco Evo, Scoot, June and Bee
- Babyzen YoYo v's Bugaboo Bee Plus
- Baby Jogger City Versa GT v's Britax Affinity v's iCandy Apple 2 Pear v's iCandy Peach 2 v's Graco Evo
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear Review by Best Buggy
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear in Single Mode
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double with Children
- Mima Kobi in Cosmo
- B.O.B. Revolution SE
- Out 'n' About Nipper v's Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle
- B.O.B. Revolution CE v's Out 'n' About Nipper V2
- Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle Runway Collection Review by Milena
- Baby Jogger Summit X3 v's Baby Jogger Summit XC by JBH
- Baby Elegance Neyo and Beep Twist at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- iCandy Strawberry
- iCandy Peach with a 6 Month old, 2 Year old and 3 Year Old by Emma
- B.O.B. Revolution CE v's Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle
- Baby Jogger City Elite v's Out 'n' About Nipper 360 V2
- B.O.B. Revolution CE v's Baby Jogger City Elite
- Baby Jogger City Elite v's Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle (Runway Edition)
- Baby Jogger City Elite Single Review by Best Buggy
- iCandy Peach 2 with Strawberry Hood - Out and About
- iCandy Strawberry
- iCandy Apple v's iCandy Apple 2 Pear
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear at Magna
- Graco Evo Review by Best Buggy
- Graco Evo with Children
- Graco Evo
- Out ‘n’ About Nipper v’s B.O.B Revolution CE v’s Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle v’s Baby Jogger City Elite with Children
- Graco Evo at the Harrogate Nursery Fair
- Britax B-Motion at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- iCandy Peach / Peach Jogger / Strawberry Mix and Match!!
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear - Pear 2 - Tandem Mode
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear - Apple 2 - Single Mode
- Maxi-Cosi Streety Review by Best Buggy
- Britax Affinity at the Harrogate Nursery Fair
- Babystyle Oyster at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Babystyle Oyster Max at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Quinny Moodd by Britto at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Orbit Baby Double Helix
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2 v's Babystyle Oyster Max
- Way Mar
- Bumbleride Indie (Single and Twin) and Bumbleride Flite
- Jané Epic and Jané Cross Walk at the Harrogate Nursery Fair
- Easywalker MINI Stroller at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Silver Cross Wayfarer at the Harrogate Nursery Show 2013
- Mutsy Igo at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- iCandy Peach Jogger - New Colours - at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Micralite Twofold at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Graco Evo Mini at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- BOB Revolution CE at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- BOB Revolution SE at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- BOB Revolution SE Duallie at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Out 'n' About New Nipper Colours - Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- iCandy Apple 2 Pear at Harrogate Nursery Fair
- Casual Play Livi at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Baby Jogger Summit X3 at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT - All Black and Blue - at the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2013
- Out 'n About Nipper Single in the Snow
- Bugaboo & Andy Warhol - 'The Flowers' and 'The Cars' Collections
- Uppababy Vista Rumble Seat - No Napping Here!
- Baby Jogger City Versa GT at Sewerby Hall
- Baby Jogger City Versa GT at Nostell Priory
- Out 'n' About Nipper 360 V2 Single Review by Milena
- 2013 Babystyle Oyster Colour Packs
- Silver Cross Wayfarer for 2013
- Micralite Twofold
- Stokke Xplory Review by Best Buggy
- iCandy Strawberry Review by Best Buggy
- iCandy Peach Jogger v's iCandy Peach v's iCandy Strawberry
- Bugaboo Bee v's Easywalker June v's Stokke Scoot v's iCandy Strawberry v's Baby Jogger City Versa GT with Children
- Bugaboo Donkey All Black
- iCandy Peach Jogger - New 2013 Colours!
- Bugaboo Bee v's Easywalker June v's Stokke Scoot v's iCandy Strawberry v's Baby Jogger City Versa GT
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Final Production Model
- Babyzen YoYo - Black and White!
- Kiddy City 'n Move Review by Sarah
- Bugaboo Buffalo - All Terrain Photographs from Bugaboo
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Production Model Photos & Review
- Bugaboo Bee v's Bugaboo Cameleon with 3 Year Old
- Babystyle Oyster v's Mutsy Evo
- Bugaboo Bee v's Mamas&Papas Sola
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT v's Baby Jogger City Versa GT
- Bugaboo Cameleon v's Quinny Buzz
- Bugaboo Cameleon v's iCandy Peach
- Bugaboo Cameleon v's iCandy Peach v's Quinny Buzz
- Black Framed Babyzen YoYo Out and About!
- Babyzen YoYo - Black & White Chassis!
- Bugaboo Buffalo
- Kiddy City 'N Move with Children
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist with Buddy-Seat Review by Best Buggy
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist with Buddy-Seat
- TFK (Trends for Kids) Joggster Twist v's Baby Jogger City Elite
- TFK Joggster Twist with Buddy-Seat and Children!
- iCandy Peach v's Silver Cross Surf
- Baby Jogger City Versa GT in Snow by Best Buggy
- Mountain Buggy Mini Review by Best Buggy
- Mountain Buggy Mini with Children
- Mountain Buggy Mini
- Stokke Xplory in the Snow by Best Buggy
- Easywalker June on the Train by Lou
- Out 'n' About Nipper 360 V2 Review by Milena
- iCandy Peach Jogger About Town
- Bugaboo Bee Plus
- iCandy Peach Jogger in Snow by Best Buggy
- Easywalker June - Second Review by Louise - Parent Facing
- Easywalker June in the Snow
- Stokke Crusi Review - Single Mode by Best Buggy
- Stokke Crusi with Sibling Seat Review by Best Buggy
- Bugaboo 2013 New Jazz Up Summer Tailored Fabrics & Bee Snack Tray
- Babystyle Oyster Max v's Jané Twone by Rachael
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2 v's Babystyle Oyster Max
- Baby Jogger City Elite Review by Roberta
- Baby Jogger City Elite v's Air Buggy Mimi
- Stokke Crusi with Sibling Seat
- Easywalker June Review Update by ALK
- Opening the Box - Easywalker June Initial Review by Louise - Forward Facing
- Stokke Xplory V3
- Stokke Xplory v's Stokke Scoot
- Stokke Xplory v's Stokke Crusi v's Stokke Scoot
- Stokke Xplory v's Stokke Crusi
- Stokke Crusi v's Stokke Scoot
- Stokke Crusi - Single Mode
- Stokke Scoot
- Stokke Scoot v's Stokke Xplory With Children
- Stokke Xplory V3 with Children
- Stokke Scoot with Children
- Croozer Kid for 2 Review
- iCandy Cherry v's MyChild Pinto
- Phil&Teds Dot v's Phil&Teds Navigator
- Phil&Teds Navigator
- Phil&Teds Dot
- Bugaboo Cameleon³
- Bumbleride Indie Twin Review
- Bumbleride Indie Twin
- Bumbleride Indie Twin With Children
- Baby Jogger City Versa Review - On The Road
- Baby Jogger City Versa v's Baby Jogger City Versa GT
- Nuna Pepp
- Kiddy City 'N Move Review by Best Buggy
- Kiddy City 'N Move
- Nuna Pepp Review
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT (Crimson) Review by JBH
- Britax B-Agile Double Review
- Britax B-Agile Double
- Britax B-Agile Double with Children
- Babystyle Oyster Review
- Easywalker June Review by Best Buggy
- Easywalker June with Children
- Easywalker June
- Easywalker June Initial Review by ALK
- Babystyle Oyster Max - More Out and About Photos!
- Babystyle Oyster Max Photos
- Babystyle Oyster Max Out and About Review
- Baby Jogger City Versa v's Bugaboo Cameleon
- Baby Jogger City Versa Update Review
- Babystyle Oyster Max Review by Kerry
- Baby Jogger City Mini, City Mini GT and Elite Hoods
- iCandy Peach Jogger Review
- iCandy Peach Jogger on the Beach
- iCandy Peach Jogger with 3 Year Old
- ICandy Peach Jogger on the Beach
- iCandy Peach Jogger
- Babystyle Oyster Max Out and About
- 4Moms Origami with Children
- 4Moms Origami
- Baby Jogger City Versa Review by Sarah
- Petite Star Zia Evolve with Child
- Petite Star Zia Evolve Review
- Hauck Eagle Review by Verity
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double
- Baby Jogger City Mini GT
- Baby Jogger City Versa Photos by Lou
- BabyZen YoYo - Airport and Aircraft Travel by Lisa
- Out 'n' About Narrow Double Nipper 360 V2 Review
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Opening the Box Review
- Babystyle Oyster Max With Children
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Tandem Mode
- Babystyle Oyster Max - Single Mode
- Micralite Toro Review
- Micralite Super-lite Fastfold Review
- Baby Jogger City Versa With Children
- Baby Jogger City Versa
- Babyzen YoYo Out and About
- Babyzen YoYo Review by Best Buggy
- Orbit Baby Double Helix at Kind Und Jugend 2012
- Baby Jogger City Versa - It's Here!
- Bugaboo Cameleon³ Bumper Bar / Carrying Handle
- Micralite Super-lite Fastfold v's Micralite Toro
- Special Edition Jané Rider Classic at The Baby Show, Manchester, 2012, by Aswalia
- Babystyle Oyster Max at The Baby Show, Manchester, 2012, by Aswalia
- Bugaboo Cameleon³ at The Baby Show, Manchester, 2012, by Aswalia
- Baby Jogger City Versa GT at The Baby Show, Manchester, 2012, by Aswalia
- Micralite Super-lite Fastfold
- Micralite Toro with Children
- Micralite Super-lite Fastfold with Children
- Micralite Toro
- Micralite Super-lite Fastfold
- Chicco Nunù with Children
- Chicco Nunù Review
- Baby Jogger City Versa GT Review
- Jané Twone by Rachael
- Baby Jogger City Versa v's Baby Jogger City Select by Carolyn
- Baby Jogger City Versa Photos By Carolyn
- Uppababy Cruz Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Select - A Parent Facing Carrycot?
- Jané Twone Review
- Jané Twone v's iCandy Peach Blossom 2
- Mountain Buggy +One - A Parent Facing Option?
- Uppababy Cruz with Children
- Uppababy Cruz
- Jané Twone with Children
- Jané Twone
- Jané Twone - Single Mode
- Bugaboo Cameleon & Quinny Yezz - The Perfect Holiday Combination!
- Smyths Dimples Duo
- Smyths Dimples Duo
- Smyths Dimples Duo Review by Rachael
- Joolz Day v's Bugaboo Frog
- Ten Single Pushchairs with Reversible Seats with Children
- Babystyle Oyster Review by Best Buggy
- Bumbleride Indie 3 Single Review
- Uppababy Vista with Rumble Seat Review by Best Buggy
- ABC Single Adventure Buggy with Top Mounted Static Toddler Seat
- iCandy Pear Review & Photoset
- Kolcraft Contours, Joovy Ergo, Graco Quattro Tour Duo, Baby Jogger City Select, Joovy Ultralight & iCandy Peach Blossom
- Joovy Ergo Caboose Review by Best Buggy
- Hauck Duett v's Britax B-Dual
- More Baby Jogger City Elite Double Photos with Children!
- Baby Jogger City Select Tandem Raincover?
- Baby Jogger City Elite Double Review by Best Buggy
- Mima Xari v's Mima Kobi
- Stokke Xplory v's Mima Kobi
- Baby Jogger City Mini Carrycots
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2012 - 11 month old & 2.9 year old
- Easywalker Duo v's Baby Jogger City Elite Double
- Baby Jogger City Elite with Children!
- Twinner Twist Duo Photos with Children
- Twinner Twist Duo in a Mini!
- Five Tandems - Phil&Teds Verve, iCandy Peach Blossom 2, Baby Jogger City Select, Britax B-Dual, Mima Kobi
- Baby Jogger City Elite Double
- Baby Jogger City Mini Double 2011 v's Baby Jogger City Elite Double
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2012 With Children
- The Mima Kobi Visits The City Of York
- Easywalker Duo Photoset
- Easywalker Duo Review by Best Buggy
- B-Dual with Maxi Cosi Car Seat
- Trends for Kids Twinner Twist Duo Review - First Outing & First Impressions!
- Babyhome Emotion Xtreet Review by Rachael
- Mima Kobi - Out & About
- Mima Kobi - Comfy Seating Positions for Children
- Mima Kobi Review - Opening the Box & First Impressions!
- Exclusive - First UK Review of the Mima Kobi
- iCandy Strawberry
- iCandy Peach Special Edition's 2011 / 2012 - the World and London
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2012 Photo Gallery
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2012 - Photo Gallery - Out and About
- Hauck Duett - Raincover / Possible Newborn Mode for Rachael
- Bugaboo Bee photos by Theresa
- Quinny Buzz 4 photos by Theresa
- Phil & Teds Sport double pushchair photos by Theresa
- Out n About Nipper 360 double photos by Theresa
- iCandy Pear double photos by Theresa
- Hauck Duett Review by Best Buggy
- 2010 Baby Jogger City Select photos by Theresa
- Phil & Teds New Explorer pictures by Theresa
- 2010 iCandy Peach & Peach Blossom photos by Theresa
- iCandy Peach Blossom 2 and Peach Blossom Twin 2012
- UK Exclusive for Best Buggy of the iCandy Peach Blossom 2012
- Phil&Teds Verve v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Britax B-Dual 2011 v's Phil&Teds Verve
- Phil & Teds Verve 2011 Photo Set
- Phil & Teds Verve Review by Best Buggy
- Britax B-Dual 2011 v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Britax B-Dual 2011 Review by Best Buggy
- iCandy Strawberry
- iCandy Peach Jogger / All Terrain
- Baby Jogger City Select 2010 Photos
- Leebruss Takeoff Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Mini Single 2010 v's Quinny Zapp
- Quinny Zapp Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Mini Single 2010 Review by Best Buggy
- Phil & Teds Dash v's Baby Jogger City Select
- Mutsy Urban Rider with Duo Seat from the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2011 by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Mini Single Review from Harrogate Nursery Fair 2011 by Best Buggy
- Emotion Xtreet by Babyhome Review from the Harrogate Nursery Fair 2011 by Best Buggy
- Red Kite Push Me Twin Review by Best Buggy
- Baby Jogger City Elite Double vs Mini Review by Theresa
- Baby Jogger City Mini Double vs Elite Review by Theresa
- Baby Jogger City Mini 2011 Review by Best Buggy
- Bugaboo Donkey Review from Harrogate Nursery Fair, 2011, by Jus
- Britax B-Dual 2011 Review from Harrogate Nursery Fair by Jus
- Mountain Buggy Duet Review from Harrogate Nursery Fair, 2011 by Jus